About Us

The advances of technology in the modern world has dramatically changed how we live our day-to-day lives, including in the learning processes.

One of the examples are Chatbots. Chatbots are computer programs that use artificial intelligence and machine learning to conduct conversation via auditory or textual methods. It is a form of dialog system of virtual assistant. Their usage have increased enormously in the last 5 years with the internet of things but also with their integration on massive messaging platform (Facebook Messenger, WeChat or Kik). Instead of downloading yet another app, users are comfortable using their messaging app to complete other tasks, like booking a table or checking the weather.

However, according to the data provided by the Commission, 37% of the EU workforce still has low digital skills, or none at all, and only 20-25% of them are taught by teachers who are confident using technology in the classroom.

As adapted chatbot systems can offer students a range of advantages and act as a digital form of tutoring, we are creating together a Tutor Chatbot to support the students in their learning process and the trainers in their training. To do so, we intend to give the tools to trainers to create their own chatbot in the form of a chatbot creator platform, but also 4 different chatbots, filled with content and connected to the learning outcomes of the VET centres involved in the projects, as well as a chatbot design guide and a chatbot creation training module to support trainers and VET organisations in developing their own chatbot.

The TUTORBOT project is co-funded by the European Union’s ERASMUS+ programme, and implemented from October 2018 to September 2020 by 5 partners: Edulog (FR), LogoPsyCom (BE), IFOA (IT), AKETH (GR) and CEPS Projectes Socials (ES).